Saturday, December 19, 2009




-La Creme:
1. Strawberry: Good stuff (Nut. Info.)
2. Raspberry: Really good, and it probably would have been even better if it hadn't expired a little more than a week ago. Oh well, that's what I get for visiting my parents. Stir it up a little, and you can hardly tell. (Nut. Info.)

Fiber One:
1. Key Lime: Good stuff, I wouldn't kill my own mother for key lime pie as it seems most would though, so you freaks would probably say "Delicious!!!" (Nut. Info.)
Peach: Good (Nut. Info.)
3. Strawberry: Decent (Nut. Info.)

1. Key Lime: Okay, not as sweet as I'd like (Their website is effed at least right now, so here's the nut. info.: 1 container: 70 calories: 0g Fat; 3%/80mg Sodium; 13g Carbs: 9g Sugars; 4g Protein; 15% Calcium; 2% Vit C...well that's why you buy name brand I guess.)

-Fat Free Light:
1. Cappucino: Yummy! A nice and healthful way to get that coffee flavor (not to mention protein and calcium)into your morning! (90 Calories: 0 Fat; 5%/120mg Sodium; 11%/380 Potassium; 15g Carbs: 10 Sugar; 7 grams Protein; 25% Calcium, Vit D; 10% Vit A; 4% Vit C)
2. Honey Almond: Really good. I love how hip Publix is getting with this flavor (Nut. Info.)
3. Wildberry Crumb Cake: Good, but I'm not sure where the crumb cake flavor was. It tasted like a blueberry heavy mixed berry yogurt to me. (Nut. Info.)

-YoPlus, Digestive, Light:
1. Key Lime: Pretty good, Fiber One is better (Nut. Info.)

Vegan, Soy Free:


Turtle Mountain - So Delicious:
-Made with Coconut Milk:
1. Chocolate: Pretty yummy!  The texture is a bit more gelatinous than yogurt, but it's really pretty cool! (Nut. Info.)

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